Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dude where's my gyro

Contrary to popular belief we are still alive!

We are chilling on the exotic, scenic, and abundantly homosexual island of Mykonos. The weather and women are beautiful, and our livers still seem to be functioing. Our days have been jam packed with ATVing and beach bumming... It would be a real shame to spend time indoors at a computer cafe, so I have once agan challenged my visual spacial skills on Shaf's iPhone. As the boys siesta before a big night of partying to come, I am overlooking the mediteranean from our hotel patio And am having a mortal combat battle with a microscopic touch screen.

I am finally in sound health and am proud to not know what a Greek public
washroom looks like. Being able to self proscribe meds is just another reason why I love this country (see soon to be updated pics and videos for the other reasons).

Tomorrow we head to the island of Ios, if you are under 30 and have never been there before; my condolences.

Sorry for the lack of blogging and contact home, we are simply having too good of a time.

Stay classy

Wiener out

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