Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our last morning in Prague

Sorry for the delay in the update but we haven't had any Internet here
in Prague. I will recap the events that have occurred while we have
been here starting with day 1.

While on the plane ride from amsterdam we realized that we would be
staying at a schools residnce. Realizing that this residnce may not be
open at 1 in the morning (when we would arrive) we were a bit
skeptical to say the least. But We arrived here just after midnight
only to find that very few people speak english. Luckily a women on
the train explains to us how to get to the school. We then get there
to find two 70 year old people manning the front desk. Both of whom
don't speak English. Luckily for us mikes friend had given us a piece
of paper with some Czech paragraph on it. This was supposed to help us
get in. These people read the paper and then argued with us for a
while but we finally got to our room. One catch tho ...... They think
we are students here.

On day 2 the weather was just shit so we decided to do laundry. But
the building we are staying in is so huge and there is only 4 washing
machines. Needless to say it took us about an hour to find the dam
washing machines. Once we filled up 2 washing machines, we waited
until they were supposed to be done and we came back only to find that
all our stuff was on top of the washer. There was a note saying that
we only had the key for 1 machine. As if we understood the czech women
when we got the key in the first place. So we go to put our stuff in
the dryer only to find that there are none. ---> that's fucking great.
So we end up finding a drying room which contains a bunch of smaller
caged rooms for people to hang their clothes in. (Gotta love this
beaten down old residence.)

Yesterday was also shitty out but we decided to explore the city. We
saw Prague castle and walked a ton. Mike and Jordan now know how much
I hate walking by the way. Other than that yesterday wasn't that long
a day seeing as we woke up at 1 pm.

Today I have no idea what we are going to do. But who cares anyway?

Shafran out

By the way pics will be posted in Greece when we have access to a

1 comment:

  1. awwwww! that sux about the laundry situation. Glad you guys figured it out though. Hope you are having a great time.
