Saturday, June 13, 2009

At airport.

We are sitting at the gate waiting to board. And what do you know. Our
flight has been delayed until 9 tonight. Must be all the French people
getting off the plane.

- Shafran

So we are finally making our way to Europe. Alex and I just purchased
some finlandia vodka, a 40 for $18 bucks!!! We're just chilling now
waiting for the crowds to get smaller for boarding the plane and
prolly in the 10 mins we'll be on board, yay! A 7 hr flight LOL.

- o'bright


  1. wow!! great price on the vodka. glad you guys are already ready for a night of partying :) Have fun and be safe.

  2. anonymous on june 14, 2009 1:38pm is me, Joyce. I don't have a google or yahoo or any of those acocunts so i cant be a follower, but i can still post comments as anonymous. Im going to start just typing my name in the msg so you know its from me :)
