Thursday, June 25, 2009


The boys have embarked on Prague! the flight was interesting, we have discovered that water in europe is certainly not as easily attainable as canada...the flight attendant thought mike and i were trying to scam the system but quickly realized through our jokes and charm that we were canadians and was not as upset about giving us free water. each airport has been an adventure, we have successfully not checked one bag this entire trip!!! somehow we have been able to get our luggage onto each flight without paying...we are way under budget for this trip, i will end up spending half of what i thought it will cost. so we arrived in prague around midnight 3 days ago and thank the heavens that alex and mike have a good sense of direction and know how to read a map, because i certainly need to up my skills :) navigating through the subway lines here is like finding a needle in a haystack...the corridors never end. we were all pretty worried that when we got to the university of economics, which is where we are staying, that the adminstrative staff would not be working late into the night. lucky they were!!! woohoo, what a relief, we were planning on living in the hall ways for a night :) so mikes friend gave us a ton of stuff to make our time in prague much easier. he gave mike a paragraph of words to show the administrative staff because they dont speak a word of english. we get there and the girl understand what the paper says and starts asking us for our issac cards, wow, this was funny...mike was the only one with an issac card, and alex anjd i are trying to make it out like we have issac cards as well for the discount on the room. mike is standing there going "oooooooh, i seeeee", basically we were all playing stupid lol. mike slipped the card to alex and then alex slipped the card to me and we all showed the same card then to realize that she wanted all 3 cards to keep. so that didnt really work out, in the end, the next day we paid and realized that we all got the discount which was good. so we basically lived in prague for 4 days on 3000 crowns which is about 200 dollars. ive been under the weather for the past 3 days but that hasnt stopped us. we've gone out for drinks each night. the first night we met these awesome guys who are from brazil but live in prague. alex and i had three massive pilsner urquells, which is a great beer. the bar tenders really liked these brazilian guys, and kept bringing free drinks and free food. the food here is great :) mike has some awesome pictures of us on his camera where we are all wearing sailer hats that the bartenders gave last night we went on a pub crawl, which was hillarious. the first bar was unlimited drinks for the first hr and half. we had an awesome time, met tons of ppl. after the first bar there were 3 bars to follow. we only made it to the 2nd bar though lol. at one point i lost alex and mike, i was having a goodtime so i wasnt to worried band eventually i walked down the street in the rain and found them yelling my we went into the bar where all the pub crawlers were and i foudn myself in a conversation with this table of older girls and guys, maybe like 30 or 35 yrs thing i know this guys taps me on the shoulder and tells me im hitting on his girlfriend, well i told him i have a beautiful girlfriend at home and wouldnt even think about it, he felt bad and bought me a, the shot this guy bought me was serious!!! it was a prague traditional shot, it was a triple shot, it was insane, it took me 2 tries just to finish it. once i was done, alex was tugging on my shirt saying we had to go and we were off!! only to find out that we had lost the group. at this point we're running around the 3 of us in the rain trying to find the pub crawlers. we could not find them. what do we do now??? mcdonalds!!!!! it took about 30 mins to find a mcdonalds but we got there! alex got a few big macks, and mike and i were going to split a 4 burger meal lol but they wouldnt make the burgers the way mike wanted... i was so hungry and the girls telling mike he has to wait 30 mins, i just wanted to eat, so i got 2 big macks and started my decent towards the bottom of these burgers...mike ended up enjoying the delicacy's of street snausage and we made our way back to the university. anywasy, we're off to greece tommorow. cant wait to get there and enjoy the sun, should be goodtimes, excited for the beaches and the famous shot of ouzo :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an amazing time. I wish i was there doing the pub crawl with you guys. So funny about the girlfriend situation, can't believe he bought u a shot afterwards (what a nice guy). And i know my baby loves his big macs....with bacon of course :P
    xoxo mwa Joyce
