Wednesday, July 1, 2009

just when we thought we knew how to party....we arrived in ios

greece has opened an entirely new meaning to the word party...i thought i knew what party meant but then i found myself in mykonos and ios and realized that university is just the pre drink. this country is beautiful and believe me when i say this, everything about this country is beautiful. ok so how can i keep this blog rated pg-13??? i'm really not sure lol, today im at the pool bar dancing with my canadian girls who i know through yana and somehow met up with in mykonos, its canada day and the entire beach is celebrating..after an amazing pizza and a few amstels i find myself doing a version of the macaraina for about half an hr and off into the pool i was to work off that blistering hot sun sweat only to find an 8 yr old boy running around...whoever his parents are, i would like to know, can i join that family??? :)i mean like seriously, if i was in ios at that club when i was 8 yrs old, what kind of a perspective would i have 0n life today? i would definitly have been educated in tanning, swimming, dancing, drinking and a few other things.

some ppl may be wondering why we havent been blogging for the past little while...which is understandable. let me rest assure all of our blog viewers that its pretty tough to blog when your on the greek islands, its has nothing to do with the lack of fun and nothing to write.

we just left mykonos and were there for 3 long days. atv's are the way to go, gyro's are the way to go. is mykonos expensive? hells no! when you travel with the boys, we know how to get things done. for the most expensive island in greece and in comparison to many places, they might as well paid us! its all about the pre drinks, gyros and the kuwait sheiks :) the sheiks from kuwait took care of us boys well. it must be nice not having to pay taxes, free health care and security pensions with all of that oil. we fell nothing short of the VIP every night, bottle service was a given and lets put it this way...we showed those sheiks how to party....want a little preview? ..well...last night we went to the club until 8 a.m, by the end of the night, all 3 of us guys were in the club's pool, stripped down to our we know how to live? in the moment baby!!!

no regrets, amazing memories, no sleep for 24 hrs and we come beach bums!!!

obright out!

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