Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dude where's my gyro

Contrary to popular belief we are still alive!

We are chilling on the exotic, scenic, and abundantly homosexual island of Mykonos. The weather and women are beautiful, and our livers still seem to be functioing. Our days have been jam packed with ATVing and beach bumming... It would be a real shame to spend time indoors at a computer cafe, so I have once agan challenged my visual spacial skills on Shaf's iPhone. As the boys siesta before a big night of partying to come, I am overlooking the mediteranean from our hotel patio And am having a mortal combat battle with a microscopic touch screen.

I am finally in sound health and am proud to not know what a Greek public
washroom looks like. Being able to self proscribe meds is just another reason why I love this country (see soon to be updated pics and videos for the other reasons).

Tomorrow we head to the island of Ios, if you are under 30 and have never been there before; my condolences.

Sorry for the lack of blogging and contact home, we are simply having too good of a time.

Stay classy

Wiener out

Friday, June 26, 2009

in greece we trust

Absynth, women, and capable doctors... well Prague had 2 of the 3... thank god for diapers.

Although the weather resembled a typical day in Siberia, we somehow made the most of our visit to Prague. Spending a day doing laundry in a 'Gulag' like bulding was far from what I had hoped for in a visit to Prague, especially after getting locked in a cellar by O'bright in a part of a building that looked more like a scene from the Shining then a prestigious business school residence.

Despite the constant downpour of rain we can proudly admit that we did Prague in style, give or take the Mcdonalds, and abundance of street meat consumption. The higlight of our trip might have well been my visit to a doctor that could not speak one word of english. Out of fear of receiving a surprise conlonoscopy, I decided to tough out prague and try to forget about my state of implosiveness (add that to Websters).

Although we had a great time wandering through the beautiful streets of prague, climbing to the top of the castle and meeting/drinking with dozens of interesting expats and travellers, I think it is fair to say we are pumped to be in Greece right now.

Tomorrow my boy Thedoris will meet us and show us around Athens. I have been here before, the city isn't the most spectacular, but will definitely be worth a visit to the Acropolis, and a local's persepctive will definitely be enjoyed.

The highlight of this leg will undoubtedly be the Isls. Mykanos and Ios for those that don't know are a single guy's paradise (dont worry Joyce, O'bright's choke collar is nice and tight). For eagerly reading parents and family, sorry... what goes on in the isls stays in the isls.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: retire young.

Wiener out

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Videos and whatnot


The boys have embarked on Prague! the flight was interesting, we have discovered that water in europe is certainly not as easily attainable as canada...the flight attendant thought mike and i were trying to scam the system but quickly realized through our jokes and charm that we were canadians and was not as upset about giving us free water. each airport has been an adventure, we have successfully not checked one bag this entire trip!!! somehow we have been able to get our luggage onto each flight without paying...we are way under budget for this trip, i will end up spending half of what i thought it will cost. so we arrived in prague around midnight 3 days ago and thank the heavens that alex and mike have a good sense of direction and know how to read a map, because i certainly need to up my skills :) navigating through the subway lines here is like finding a needle in a haystack...the corridors never end. we were all pretty worried that when we got to the university of economics, which is where we are staying, that the adminstrative staff would not be working late into the night. lucky they were!!! woohoo, what a relief, we were planning on living in the hall ways for a night :) so mikes friend gave us a ton of stuff to make our time in prague much easier. he gave mike a paragraph of words to show the administrative staff because they dont speak a word of english. we get there and the girl understand what the paper says and starts asking us for our issac cards, wow, this was funny...mike was the only one with an issac card, and alex anjd i are trying to make it out like we have issac cards as well for the discount on the room. mike is standing there going "oooooooh, i seeeee", basically we were all playing stupid lol. mike slipped the card to alex and then alex slipped the card to me and we all showed the same card then to realize that she wanted all 3 cards to keep. so that didnt really work out, in the end, the next day we paid and realized that we all got the discount which was good. so we basically lived in prague for 4 days on 3000 crowns which is about 200 dollars. ive been under the weather for the past 3 days but that hasnt stopped us. we've gone out for drinks each night. the first night we met these awesome guys who are from brazil but live in prague. alex and i had three massive pilsner urquells, which is a great beer. the bar tenders really liked these brazilian guys, and kept bringing free drinks and free food. the food here is great :) mike has some awesome pictures of us on his camera where we are all wearing sailer hats that the bartenders gave us....so last night we went on a pub crawl, which was hillarious. the first bar was unlimited drinks for the first hr and half. we had an awesome time, met tons of ppl. after the first bar there were 3 bars to follow. we only made it to the 2nd bar though lol. at one point i lost alex and mike, i was having a goodtime so i wasnt to worried band eventually i walked down the street in the rain and found them yelling my name...so we went into the bar where all the pub crawlers were and i foudn myself in a conversation with this table of older girls and guys, maybe like 30 or 35 yrs old...next thing i know this guys taps me on the shoulder and tells me im hitting on his girlfriend, well i told him i have a beautiful girlfriend at home and wouldnt even think about it, he felt bad and bought me a shot...wow, the shot this guy bought me was serious!!! it was a prague traditional shot, it was a triple shot, it was insane, it took me 2 tries just to finish it. once i was done, alex was tugging on my shirt saying we had to go and we were off!! only to find out that we had lost the group. at this point we're running around the 3 of us in the rain trying to find the pub crawlers. we could not find them. what do we do now??? mcdonalds!!!!! it took about 30 mins to find a mcdonalds but we got there! alex got a few big macks, and mike and i were going to split a 4 burger meal lol but they wouldnt make the burgers the way mike wanted... i was so hungry and the girls telling mike he has to wait 30 mins, i just wanted to eat, so i got 2 big macks and started my decent towards the bottom of these burgers...mike ended up enjoying the delicacy's of street snausage and we made our way back to the university. anywasy, we're off to greece tommorow. cant wait to get there and enjoy the sun, should be goodtimes, excited for the beaches and the famous shot of ouzo :)

Our last morning in Prague

Sorry for the delay in the update but we haven't had any Internet here
in Prague. I will recap the events that have occurred while we have
been here starting with day 1.

While on the plane ride from amsterdam we realized that we would be
staying at a schools residnce. Realizing that this residnce may not be
open at 1 in the morning (when we would arrive) we were a bit
skeptical to say the least. But We arrived here just after midnight
only to find that very few people speak english. Luckily a women on
the train explains to us how to get to the school. We then get there
to find two 70 year old people manning the front desk. Both of whom
don't speak English. Luckily for us mikes friend had given us a piece
of paper with some Czech paragraph on it. This was supposed to help us
get in. These people read the paper and then argued with us for a
while but we finally got to our room. One catch tho ...... They think
we are students here.

On day 2 the weather was just shit so we decided to do laundry. But
the building we are staying in is so huge and there is only 4 washing
machines. Needless to say it took us about an hour to find the dam
washing machines. Once we filled up 2 washing machines, we waited
until they were supposed to be done and we came back only to find that
all our stuff was on top of the washer. There was a note saying that
we only had the key for 1 machine. As if we understood the czech women
when we got the key in the first place. So we go to put our stuff in
the dryer only to find that there are none. ---> that's fucking great.
So we end up finding a drying room which contains a bunch of smaller
caged rooms for people to hang their clothes in. (Gotta love this
beaten down old residence.)

Yesterday was also shitty out but we decided to explore the city. We
saw Prague castle and walked a ton. Mike and Jordan now know how much
I hate walking by the way. Other than that yesterday wasn't that long
a day seeing as we woke up at 1 pm.

Today I have no idea what we are going to do. But who cares anyway?

Shafran out

By the way pics will be posted in Greece when we have access to a

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prague bound

Today we saw the AFHO (anne frank house) it was very eery as everyone was silent throughout. Mike and I waited in line for 30 minutes while obright was again shopping. The shopping delayed jordan and we met up after seeing the anne frank house.

Mike and I are in the amsterdam library as obright walks around with our buddy jeff trying to find something sentimental (to help satisfy his female side). To give you an idea of how ridiculus this town is, the library is on an island that is impossible to get to. We had to take a train across half the town and then walk across a river and under a bridge. And all that put us on the wrong side of the building.

All of this sums up to: --> Lets just get the fuck out of this place.

So as you can imagine, we are looking forward to Prague which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in the world ... unfortunatley for me i dont really give a rats ass about natural beauty or museums..... unless you are talking about women, in which case you have my full attention and appreciation.

Our flight leaves amsterdam at 9 and we will be posting photos once we get there... but watch the video of us all at the heineken brewery cause it is hilarious

Stay classy toronto

Shafran out

Alex has sent you a video message - recorded at the Heineken Experience, Amsterdam


You have received a video message from Alex recorded at the Heineken Experience, Amsterdam.

View your video here

Videomails will be deleted after 2 months.

Backwards city

Amsterdam is the Disney world for degenerates. You can get/do anything
here except for much needed antibiotics. The theme of the last 24hrs
is waiting; yesterday me and shaf waited at the hospital for hrs for a
feminist dr to tell me that she only prescribes antibiotics for
emergencies and that my stomach infection (that I likely got from
sadomizong a chicken) would have to be dealt with back home. Only in
Amsterdam can a person buy drugs and sex legally, but can't get much
needed stomach meds. I wish the dr Had entered a washroom that I had
chyrnoboled in, not for the sake of getting drugs from her, but more
so that I could have put her down like a sick dog.

Back to the theme... Waiting. As I type this on shaf's iPhone, we are
waiting to enter Anne frank's house. My visual /spacial retartedness
has made this a gruelling process. We are almost in now. I am glad
there is a big line, as it seems the world is quickly forgetting the
holocaust, or has stopped caring all together. Anyhow time to stop
work on the diary to focus on on someone else'.

Were off to Prague tonight, we're pumped to party with beautiful
girls, sip absenth, and hopefully encounter a place where doctors get
their degrees from an educational system and not from giving felatio
to sailors.

That's it for now.

Wiener out.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

day 2 of amsterdam anddddd loving it

so far we have had an amazing time in amsterdam. we've met a ton people and made lots of friends. the culture here is so different. the city has all of these parts that are wide open and beautiful. the canals are everywhere with boats and very scenic. amsterdam has lots to offer, including history, tradition, culture and overall goodtimes. we went on a walking tour today and saw any interesting things in amsterdam and also took a bunch of pictures as good memories. at this point, we have alot of pictures and memories, so its getting tough to write everything that we are doing on the blog. we hope all of our friends and family are enjoying are stories, pictures and jokingly ways of describing our journey. the 3 of us are having an overall great time, the hostel we are at is god and we have 3 other roomates, whom we are friends with now. the 3 romates are jeff who is from taiwan, rick who is from columbia and laura is from argentina. whats interesting most about amsterdam is that its my first time at a real hostel. in france we stayed at mikes place..its barcelona we stayed at mikes friends place cornelia and now we are really doing the hostel experience. its important to note the incredible shabbat dinner we had last night in a part of amsterdam called abcoude. we had shabbat dinner at mikes families place. they were great hosts, very hospitable and curteous. its so nice to have met such a good and kind jewish family in europe. this is all so new to me, exploring the world is definitly what its cracked up to be. learning about amsterdam through many different ways such as people living there, tour guides, other tourists (which there are tons) and exploring on our own gives me such a new perspective on europe and how things are hetre. i cant deny enjoying it because life out here definitly different and has its appeals. anyways, we are in amsterdam for another 2 days and are off to prague shortly. mike's friend tomas in prague has really set up an itinerary for us and its looking like prague is going to be incredible. a little shout out to my family who are keeping up with this blog, love you lots and miss you, thinking of you always. cant forget a shout out to my friends and the families of alex and mike, thank you for keeping up with our blog and cant wait to tell the stories and show the pics of our trip. most importantly, joyce, i love you very much and i am thinking about you always. all the best and i'll be blogging again shortly :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

In Amsterdam

We have arrived in Amsterdam and we met some girls both on the train
before we got to the airport and some more on the plane.

The group of girls on the train to the airport were from Montreal and
would not stop talking for the entirity of the 40 minute train ride.
It just so happens that they are staying at our hostel in amsterdam.
Hopefully they stop talking because of all the local 'coffee'.

The girls we met on the plane were from the states and are staying
just down the road from our hostel. They seemed nice but had no idea
how to buy a train ticket or navigate through an airport so we won't
be seeig them anytime soon.

The plane ride over was one to forget. Right infront of the three of
us was a baby who didn't stop crying once over the course of the
flight. Not even obrights explosive gas could keep the baby quiet.
Meanwhile me and wiener had our heads in our shirts.

Once we got to our hostel, we headed for some fast food and are about
to go for shabbat dinner with mikes extended family.

- Shafran

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our last evening in Barcelona

So before our exciting night started, our day was very adventurous....Alex and Neil were trying to get me to drink as much as possible, Neil is a fish and alex wasn't far from it either. They got three tall glasses of sangria in me at the beach and by that point i was ready for a nap, so on our way back to where mike and jess were relaxing on the beach, alex and neil got a bottle of wine and were unable to get me to have any...we got back to mike and i passed out. i wake up about an hour or so later, the sun is coming down, its about time to leave and to my amazement, alex and neil have had 4 bottles of wine between the 2 of them, needless to say, alex and neil were in a great mood. we made our way back to Corneilia's and got ready to go out for dinner.
So we went out for dinner to an amazing restaurant called L'Olive, mike and i had ordered something from the menu that required a minimum of 2 ppl to order, it was a huge t-bone steak, very delicious. The rest of dinner was very adventurous aswell and definitly better told in person..we hope you ask us about this. We just got back to Corneilia's and its 4 a.m in barcelona. we have to be up at 7 a.m for our flight to amsterdam tommorow, so i'm off to bed.......a little hint on the rest of the night includes alex and neil going to bar on there own and mike, myself and jess going to mike's friends Lisa for wine and chilling, what happened to alex and neil? well lets just say it was messy and alex required a new shirt from neil.

son of a beach

As I write this post, Shafran is trying to rescue Obright, who somehow locked himself in the washroom and cant get out. Shaf is about to Bruce Lee the door, this is not going to be pretty...

Past few days in Barca have been wild. We've been beach bums all day each day. The beach has been looking like an FHM shoot give or take bikini tops whick has plastered a semi permanent smile on Obright's face.

Nite 1 here, I took the boyz to a fun hangout called Chuptos bar. Its a shooter bar frequented by many backpackers and was one of the first places I partied in Barca when I moved here for school in the fall. We hitup Roxy, a niteclub I had never been to before, because Cornelia convinced us she could hook up VIP... turns out VIP entails sneaking in when the bouncer is not looking.

Yesterday evening we went to my girl Lisa's place for a BBQ and night of drinking. Me and the Shafranator cooked up a storm featuring Beer Butt Chicken... essentially we sadomised a chicken with a beer can and slow roasted it. It turned out amazing and was a huuuge hit with the ladies and the crew of gay party guys who were there.

Before dinner while me and the Shaf were buying the bbq goods, we noticed what we thought was a half naked hobo froliking and lathering lotion on its skin outside the front glass window of the grocery store. Everyone in the store and checkout line were staring. As we get outside we realise that its a sunburnt obright and not a hobo displaying exhibitionism... unfortunitely he is the trip cameraman.. no pics

we are about to meet Neil and Jess Landis for dinner at my favourite restaurant in Bcn called L'Olive. They joined us for beach chills today... Alex and Neil competed in a wine drinkoff... livers were injured, so were eardrumbs of bystanders.

Its our last night in Bcn, tomorrow we head to Amsterdam where we will join distant unmet family of mine for a dutch shabbat dinner. Although leaving Bcn is a weird feeling for me as it has become my home away from home, we are excited to move on with our trip and keep the adventures and stories coming. Keep posted, stay jealous.

Wiener out

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In Barcelona and loving it

We arrived in barcelona yesterday evening and met up with mike's old housemate Cornelia. We are staying with her and today we are having a barbeque. Its going to go down cottage styles with charcoal and all. Mike and I (alex) have volunteered to do all the barbequing. There are going to be 6 or 7 people so i am wondering why mike's friends have allowed us to cook. They may be in for a suprise when we the food turns up black and hard as a rock.

Last night we went to a bar and a club and met a lot of people from America (as they called it). It was a lot of fun. My mother should be proud of me because thus far i havent started any infernos.

To no suprise i think i have out eaten mike and jordan combined as I have been eating about 6 square meals a day without exaggeration.

Im out

- Shafran

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off to Barca

Since half of my campus is empty, Obright was able to sleep in his own room the first night next to my buddy Paresh as his roomate had moven out already. Last night we could not find Paresh, so I told Obright not to worry and just crash there again (mostly as I didnt want him to sleep in my room due to his extreme sleep flatulance). Little did I know however is that the reason Paresh was not in his room last night was because the room was supposed to be demolished this morning... good thing the French are lazy.

The 3 of us are about to head to Versailles to check out the Palace before bouncing to the airport for a night of chupito style partying with my homegirl Cornelia (one of my roomates when I was living there).

it is the morning of day 2 and we are still alive... great success!

Wiener out

Monday, June 15, 2009

so first and foremost, its very important for me to mention that im using a french keyboard and i cant even begin to tell you how hard it is to find the correct letters on the keyboard to post this blog. so theres three pictures above that have stories that follow. the first picture is of myself with a bag on my head. why is this interesting? well zaidee i hope your checking up on this blog because this story has to do with you. my grandfather gave me what he thought was a raincoat in a small compact bag... so i didnt have the smarts to take a look at it before i went to europe, needless to say, what happens on our first day in france? it rains!!! i go for the rain jacket only to realize that it unfolds into a bag!!! so now i dont have a rain jacket :)

the second and third photo are from dinner last night with bill and lillyann wiener. we went for dinner at the golden bengal indien restaurant and the first picture is from the restaurant and from left to right is myself, oliver, mike, kevin, alex, bill and lillyann. to get to the restaurant we took the car that bill and lillyann rented and there was 7 of us, so 2 of us had to sit in the trunk...as you can see in the photo, i maned up and sat in the trunk with oliver who is mikes friend here in france doing an internship at bnp paribas bank.

so its raining and we are debating whether to go to versailles or paris, should be an interesting day...we hope everyone keeping up to date with our blog is enjoying the stories... the pain i have endured from using this french keyboard is unquestionably scarring and i cant wait to never have to endure this again.


We have now installed skype on the iphone so for those of you who would like to speak to us over the phone, we will be able to call your numbers through mikes' skype account. If you want to be called just send an email to me jordan or mike and we will call you when we can

im out

- Shafran

First night was a success

After the long schlep to mikes room, we took a nap and then had dinner at an indian restaurant with mikes parents and kev. The food was great and our trip has officially started! After dinner we met some of mikes friends from school here, including one polish girl who didnt like vodka (or wodka as she called it) or men as we are apparently all liars, this was somewhat of a mind blower to us. what kind of polish person doesnt drink vodka or like the big D? And men are always honest, they just may come across as being harsh.

Today the plan is to head to paris and see the eiffel tower and the louvre, and eat some baguette and cheese. possibly a crepe too. -- that one is for you aunty nikki

- Shafran

Sunday, June 14, 2009

In France and The boyz are all together

So Alex and i got to the train station at about 12:30 p.m where we were suppose to meet mike at 1 p.m. We waited for a bit and were unsure if mike was going to be on time :) so we went for our first beer of the trip just down the road where we saw a stella sign. The beer is AMAZING, DELICIOUS, MUCH BETTER THAN CANADA. Stella here is awesome...so the beer was done and we went back to meet mike and he was there with Kevin. We 'HIKED' with mike back to his school, wow, what a mission, i lost 5 Pounds on the journey to his room. The walk was a never ending uphill battle of stairs, hills, more stairs and more hills. Anyways, we're just hanging out now, relaxing and chilling in Mike's dorm room at HEC.

awaiting the boyz

Just got back to HEC from a great family road trip to the Riviera, and thought it would be time for my first post. We managed to survive a week all together without Kevin attemptng to kill me, so I will have to give it a big thumbs up. We did however almost die while sailing, when our hobbie turtled in the middle of the mediteranean, but that is a story you'll have to wait to hear...its a good one.

Anyhow, In a couple hours I will head to the near by train station to pick up the boyz and get them set up on campus. After they spend a few hours fighting off jetlag and touring the muskoka-like campus which has been my home for the last 5 months, Bill and Lill will be taking us all for dinner in Versailles before a little euro-trip kickoff party I have organised on campus.

I'd like to give a shout out to Mike, Joyce, my surrogate family (Shafrans, Amrams). This trip will undoubtedly be a memorable one for the 3 of us, and I look forward to sharing pictures and stories with all of you, both through this blog, and of course in person upon our return home.

Mike out

Saturday, June 13, 2009

At airport.

We are sitting at the gate waiting to board. And what do you know. Our
flight has been delayed until 9 tonight. Must be all the French people
getting off the plane.

- Shafran

So we are finally making our way to Europe. Alex and I just purchased
some finlandia vodka, a 40 for $18 bucks!!! We're just chilling now
waiting for the crowds to get smaller for boarding the plane and
prolly in the 10 mins we'll be on board, yay! A 7 hr flight LOL.

- o'bright

They're off!

For some reason the photo is not showing up on the blog!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Denise Amram <damram@rogers.com>
To: Amram Denise <damram@rogers.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 8:16:12 PM

They're off!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Europe 09 Trip Itinerary

Ok people, so im sure your wondering where we are going.

We leave for Paris, France on June 13th at 9pm. We arrive in Paris, France at 10 a.m on June 14th/09 and we are officially in Europe this trip is underway.
- We are in Paris for 2 days.

We leave Paris on June 16th. We arrive in Barcelona, Spain at 8 p.m
-We are in Barcelona for 3 days.

We leave Barcelona on June 19th. We arrive in Amsterdam, Netherlands at 1:30 p.m
-We are in Amsterdam for 3 days.

We leave Amsterdam on June 22nd. We arrive in Prague, Czech Republic at 10 p.m
-We are in Prague for 5 days.

We leave Prague on June 26th. We arrive in Athens, Greece at 3 p.m
-We are travelling for 12 days in Greece.

-We are in Athens for 2 days.

-We arrive in Mykonos on June 28th and are there for 3 days.

-We arrive in Ios on July 1st and are there for 4 days.

-We arrive in Crete on July 5th and are there for 3 days.

We leave Crete on July 8th. We arrive in Munich,Germany at 1 p.m
-We are in Munich for 2 days.

Sad and tough to say, we arrive back in Canada on July 10th around 3 pm. Hope you all enjoy our blogging over the next 28 days as of June 13th, when we get back my (Jordan O'Bright) birthday is on July 21st but we're holding it early because i'm going to a cottage the week of my bday, so on July 17th, Joyce and i are holding a party at Joyce's Condo and we hope all of our friends and family can make it. all the best and enjoy the summer :)

got the canadian patches put on the bags

o'bright reporting for duty

to whom this may concern,
europe is only 5 days away, this is feeing a little unreal. ive already started packing my bag. everything is ready to go, now we just need to get on the plane. europe here we come.
- o'bright

Jordan M O'Bright

5 days until game time

Things are heating up in tdot before we head out for our wild
adventure. make sure you tune in throughout the trip to keep current
with our crazy trip

- Shafran