Tuesday, July 7, 2009

goodtimes in ios

the climax of the trip was ios, hands down. memories, stories, adventures, a million birds in a tree + mike's d & g shirt + mike's chest + the sailor hat= memories i will never forget. the 3 boys are now all semi pro paddle ball players, i have seriously considers becoming a paddle ball instructor in ios where i work the beach during the day and spend my earnings on tequila slammers and flaming lambourghini's at night.

ios has alot to offer...beds to sleep in, beaches to sleep on and trucks to pass out in. if we didnt see a minimum of 30 people passed out in the most ackward places on any given night, i definitly would of thought something was wrong.

ios rules:
1. your crawl/limp out of bed at 3 pm earliest
2.you get breakfast when you wake up (bacon and eggs) and a powerade/gatorade if you need it which we did most of the time (blue is the best hands down)
3. you go to the beach, play some paddle ball (teach girls how to play paddle ball aswell), take a swim in the ocean (use the ocean bathroom facilities if neccassary), take 2 minutes to dry off in the blistering sun and then apply sunscreen (you must find a beautiful women to do this)
4. you pass out on the beach for 2 hours (good way to work on your tan)
5. you wake up and have 4 options: drink, dance, swim or go back to sleep (i like a combination of all 4, but hey! its all personal preference)
6. you leave the beach around 7 or 8 pm (feeling great of course) and you make your way home
7. you clean yourself up and make your way to dinner (if you want lamb then go to fiesta's, if you want calamari and greek salad then go to sunrise, if you are on a budget and only budgeted yourself for alcohol like everyone else then your getting a gyro (2 euro's!!!), which is delicious by the way)
8. after dinner if you have enough time then take a 1-2 hr nap, trust me! you will need it
9.after your nap if you had enough time, you go to francesco's welcome shots little get together for ppl that have just arrived on the island and this is where mike and alex shine, i of course with my amazing personality pick up all of the women for these boys and they praise me like a god...don't worry guys i know your appreciative :)
10. after you have recruited 10 or 12 girls for alex and mike to choose from, we make our way down to the town square which is beside the bus stop, on your way down you get alcohol and this is the official predrink...you meet ppl, have a goodtime and this is the beginning of an awesome night :)
11. after the predrink you hit up every bar and club in town..when someone asks you where your going? you laugh and say everywhere
12. hmmmm, anymore rules??? ok ok ok, have a great time, live life to its fullest and remember why you came to ios, because everyone is there for the same reasons
13. this is the last rule!!!! can you guess it??? the last is rule is that you crash around 7 or 8 or maybe even 9 or 10 in the morning and then you do it all over again starting in and around the time frame of 3 pm

amazing island, truely a great place to visit, my liver and entire body cannot handle more than a week here and my last and final thoughts are in the form of a question...

how do you spell heaven? IOS

thats all for me, time to go to bed, havent slept in 6 days

jordan signing off

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

just when we thought we knew how to party....we arrived in ios

greece has opened an entirely new meaning to the word party...i thought i knew what party meant but then i found myself in mykonos and ios and realized that university is just the pre drink. this country is beautiful and believe me when i say this, everything about this country is beautiful. ok so how can i keep this blog rated pg-13??? i'm really not sure lol, today im at the pool bar dancing with my canadian girls who i know through yana and somehow met up with in mykonos, its canada day and the entire beach is celebrating..after an amazing pizza and a few amstels i find myself doing a version of the macaraina for about half an hr and off into the pool i was to work off that blistering hot sun sweat only to find an 8 yr old boy running around...whoever his parents are, i would like to know, can i join that family??? :)i mean like seriously, if i was in ios at that club when i was 8 yrs old, what kind of a perspective would i have 0n life today? i would definitly have been educated in tanning, swimming, dancing, drinking and a few other things.

some ppl may be wondering why we havent been blogging for the past little while...which is understandable. let me rest assure all of our blog viewers that its pretty tough to blog when your on the greek islands, its has nothing to do with the lack of fun and nothing to write.

we just left mykonos and were there for 3 long days. atv's are the way to go, gyro's are the way to go. is mykonos expensive? hells no! when you travel with the boys, we know how to get things done. for the most expensive island in greece and in comparison to many places, they might as well paid us! its all about the pre drinks, gyros and the kuwait sheiks :) the sheiks from kuwait took care of us boys well. it must be nice not having to pay taxes, free health care and security pensions with all of that oil. we fell nothing short of the VIP every night, bottle service was a given and lets put it this way...we showed those sheiks how to party....want a little preview? ..well...last night we went to the club until 8 a.m, by the end of the night, all 3 of us guys were in the club's pool, stripped down to our boxers...do we know how to live? in the moment baby!!!

no regrets, amazing memories, no sleep for 24 hrs and counting....here we come beach bums!!!

obright out!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dude where's my gyro

Contrary to popular belief we are still alive!

We are chilling on the exotic, scenic, and abundantly homosexual island of Mykonos. The weather and women are beautiful, and our livers still seem to be functioing. Our days have been jam packed with ATVing and beach bumming... It would be a real shame to spend time indoors at a computer cafe, so I have once agan challenged my visual spacial skills on Shaf's iPhone. As the boys siesta before a big night of partying to come, I am overlooking the mediteranean from our hotel patio And am having a mortal combat battle with a microscopic touch screen.

I am finally in sound health and am proud to not know what a Greek public
washroom looks like. Being able to self proscribe meds is just another reason why I love this country (see soon to be updated pics and videos for the other reasons).

Tomorrow we head to the island of Ios, if you are under 30 and have never been there before; my condolences.

Sorry for the lack of blogging and contact home, we are simply having too good of a time.

Stay classy

Wiener out

Friday, June 26, 2009

in greece we trust

Absynth, women, and capable doctors... well Prague had 2 of the 3... thank god for diapers.

Although the weather resembled a typical day in Siberia, we somehow made the most of our visit to Prague. Spending a day doing laundry in a 'Gulag' like bulding was far from what I had hoped for in a visit to Prague, especially after getting locked in a cellar by O'bright in a part of a building that looked more like a scene from the Shining then a prestigious business school residence.

Despite the constant downpour of rain we can proudly admit that we did Prague in style, give or take the Mcdonalds, and abundance of street meat consumption. The higlight of our trip might have well been my visit to a doctor that could not speak one word of english. Out of fear of receiving a surprise conlonoscopy, I decided to tough out prague and try to forget about my state of implosiveness (add that to Websters).

Although we had a great time wandering through the beautiful streets of prague, climbing to the top of the castle and meeting/drinking with dozens of interesting expats and travellers, I think it is fair to say we are pumped to be in Greece right now.

Tomorrow my boy Thedoris will meet us and show us around Athens. I have been here before, the city isn't the most spectacular, but will definitely be worth a visit to the Acropolis, and a local's persepctive will definitely be enjoyed.

The highlight of this leg will undoubtedly be the Isls. Mykanos and Ios for those that don't know are a single guy's paradise (dont worry Joyce, O'bright's choke collar is nice and tight). For eagerly reading parents and family, sorry... what goes on in the isls stays in the isls.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: retire young.

Wiener out

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Videos and whatnot


The boys have embarked on Prague! the flight was interesting, we have discovered that water in europe is certainly not as easily attainable as canada...the flight attendant thought mike and i were trying to scam the system but quickly realized through our jokes and charm that we were canadians and was not as upset about giving us free water. each airport has been an adventure, we have successfully not checked one bag this entire trip!!! somehow we have been able to get our luggage onto each flight without paying...we are way under budget for this trip, i will end up spending half of what i thought it will cost. so we arrived in prague around midnight 3 days ago and thank the heavens that alex and mike have a good sense of direction and know how to read a map, because i certainly need to up my skills :) navigating through the subway lines here is like finding a needle in a haystack...the corridors never end. we were all pretty worried that when we got to the university of economics, which is where we are staying, that the adminstrative staff would not be working late into the night. lucky they were!!! woohoo, what a relief, we were planning on living in the hall ways for a night :) so mikes friend gave us a ton of stuff to make our time in prague much easier. he gave mike a paragraph of words to show the administrative staff because they dont speak a word of english. we get there and the girl understand what the paper says and starts asking us for our issac cards, wow, this was funny...mike was the only one with an issac card, and alex anjd i are trying to make it out like we have issac cards as well for the discount on the room. mike is standing there going "oooooooh, i seeeee", basically we were all playing stupid lol. mike slipped the card to alex and then alex slipped the card to me and we all showed the same card then to realize that she wanted all 3 cards to keep. so that didnt really work out, in the end, the next day we paid and realized that we all got the discount which was good. so we basically lived in prague for 4 days on 3000 crowns which is about 200 dollars. ive been under the weather for the past 3 days but that hasnt stopped us. we've gone out for drinks each night. the first night we met these awesome guys who are from brazil but live in prague. alex and i had three massive pilsner urquells, which is a great beer. the bar tenders really liked these brazilian guys, and kept bringing free drinks and free food. the food here is great :) mike has some awesome pictures of us on his camera where we are all wearing sailer hats that the bartenders gave us....so last night we went on a pub crawl, which was hillarious. the first bar was unlimited drinks for the first hr and half. we had an awesome time, met tons of ppl. after the first bar there were 3 bars to follow. we only made it to the 2nd bar though lol. at one point i lost alex and mike, i was having a goodtime so i wasnt to worried band eventually i walked down the street in the rain and found them yelling my name...so we went into the bar where all the pub crawlers were and i foudn myself in a conversation with this table of older girls and guys, maybe like 30 or 35 yrs old...next thing i know this guys taps me on the shoulder and tells me im hitting on his girlfriend, well i told him i have a beautiful girlfriend at home and wouldnt even think about it, he felt bad and bought me a shot...wow, the shot this guy bought me was serious!!! it was a prague traditional shot, it was a triple shot, it was insane, it took me 2 tries just to finish it. once i was done, alex was tugging on my shirt saying we had to go and we were off!! only to find out that we had lost the group. at this point we're running around the 3 of us in the rain trying to find the pub crawlers. we could not find them. what do we do now??? mcdonalds!!!!! it took about 30 mins to find a mcdonalds but we got there! alex got a few big macks, and mike and i were going to split a 4 burger meal lol but they wouldnt make the burgers the way mike wanted... i was so hungry and the girls telling mike he has to wait 30 mins, i just wanted to eat, so i got 2 big macks and started my decent towards the bottom of these burgers...mike ended up enjoying the delicacy's of street snausage and we made our way back to the university. anywasy, we're off to greece tommorow. cant wait to get there and enjoy the sun, should be goodtimes, excited for the beaches and the famous shot of ouzo :)

Our last morning in Prague

Sorry for the delay in the update but we haven't had any Internet here
in Prague. I will recap the events that have occurred while we have
been here starting with day 1.

While on the plane ride from amsterdam we realized that we would be
staying at a schools residnce. Realizing that this residnce may not be
open at 1 in the morning (when we would arrive) we were a bit
skeptical to say the least. But We arrived here just after midnight
only to find that very few people speak english. Luckily a women on
the train explains to us how to get to the school. We then get there
to find two 70 year old people manning the front desk. Both of whom
don't speak English. Luckily for us mikes friend had given us a piece
of paper with some Czech paragraph on it. This was supposed to help us
get in. These people read the paper and then argued with us for a
while but we finally got to our room. One catch tho ...... They think
we are students here.

On day 2 the weather was just shit so we decided to do laundry. But
the building we are staying in is so huge and there is only 4 washing
machines. Needless to say it took us about an hour to find the dam
washing machines. Once we filled up 2 washing machines, we waited
until they were supposed to be done and we came back only to find that
all our stuff was on top of the washer. There was a note saying that
we only had the key for 1 machine. As if we understood the czech women
when we got the key in the first place. So we go to put our stuff in
the dryer only to find that there are none. ---> that's fucking great.
So we end up finding a drying room which contains a bunch of smaller
caged rooms for people to hang their clothes in. (Gotta love this
beaten down old residence.)

Yesterday was also shitty out but we decided to explore the city. We
saw Prague castle and walked a ton. Mike and Jordan now know how much
I hate walking by the way. Other than that yesterday wasn't that long
a day seeing as we woke up at 1 pm.

Today I have no idea what we are going to do. But who cares anyway?

Shafran out

By the way pics will be posted in Greece when we have access to a